No, I'm probably not one of the most giving souls ever to enter the doors of a church (much less the Order of Secular Franciscans).
But from my observing of others who genuinely do give of themselves - along with the various hardships they encounter - may I hazard a speculation?
This has got to be, I think, one of the most treacherous dilemmas facing anyone who's ever tried their best to love bitter, hardworking, self-consciously sacrificial people (which latter may be - let's face it - the great majority of us nowadays, in one busy venue or another?):
Namely, how you are to show them enough of the love they need, without making them either:
(1) resentful of the obligation incurred; or
(2) jealous of your supposed moral high ground.
Nor are they necessarily being petty or mean-spirited in thus responding. Much less Pharisaic. After all, even in charitable love - if one's aim is to obtain the very best results - can one ever be too competitive?
Pray for the peace of Kyiv.
God heal America.