22 January 2022

A Russo-American Tragedy

O the needless, senseless tragedy of it all. 

I mean, seriously: that any country - no matter how otherwise worthless and incorrigible - should be afflicted with a leadership as bad as that of present-day Russia. A set of rulers not just wholly uncomprehending of the real needs, preferences and dignity* of its own people, but so incurably ignorant and distrustful of the real motives - of the honesty, transparency and benevolence - of its so-called enemies. 

*Assuming they have any, of course.

And who are these tragically misperceived "enemies" of Russia? Who else - but precisely those same elites, here in the West, who exercise the most decisive and determinative sway, power, influence, manipulation, etc, over the lives of us common folk? In short, when we look at today's progressive Western political and business leaders, what do we see? 

Look real hard now. 

That's right: nothing less than the most talented, efficient, driven, productive, visionary and forward-looking individuals - American or otherwise - ever to have achieved success and power on this planet. I ask you plainly, then: If they can't be trusted - aye, even with our very lives! - who can?

And all that giftedness - just think of it! - not for themselves, but for our sakes: all for the most generous uplifting of us unworthy, unwashed Western masses. And we're just an appetizer.

My obvious next question is this: As kindly, patient, supportive, reassuring and re-educating as our Western elites have been with us, surely they can only prove twice as understanding of the main entree those poor benighted Russians? Or at least of that relative minority of Russians who aren't deplorably homo/trans/xeno/Islamophobic? 

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